  • To create or generate reusable test scripts
  • To maintain traceability of the test implementation artifacts back to the associated test cases and use cases or requirements for test
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Worker: Test Designer

Workflow Details:

Record, generate, or program test scripts To top of page

  • To create or automatically generate the appropriate test scripts which implement (and execute) the test cases and test procedures as desired
Tool Mentors:

Rational RobotTM

Rational TestManagerTM

Rational TestFactoryTM

Rational PurifyTM

Rational PureCoverageTM

Rational QuantifyTM

Rational LoadTestTM


Perform the following:

Create, generate, or acquire test scripts

For each structured test procedure in the test model at least one test script is created or generated.

The following considerations should be addressed when creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts:

  • maximize test script reuse
  • minimize test script maintenance
  • use existing scripts when feasible
  • use test tools to create test scripts instead of programming them (when feasible)
  • refer to application GUI objects and actions in the method that is most stable (such as by object name or using mouse clicks)

The following steps are performed to create, generate, or acquire test scripts:

  1. Review existing test scripts for potential use
  2. Set-up the test environment (including all hardware, software, tools, data, and application build)
  3. Initialize the environment (to ensure the environment is in the proper state or condition for the test)
  4. Create or acquire the test scripts:
    1. Record / capture: for each structured test procedure, execute the test procedure to create a new test script by following the steps / actions identified in the structured test procedure and using the appropriate recording techniques (to maximize reuse and minimize maintenance)
    2. Modifying existing scripts: edit the existing manually, or delete the non-required instructions and re-record the new instructions using the recording description above
    3. Programming: for each structured test procedure, generate the instructions using the appropriate programming techniques
  5. To automatically generate test scripts, refer to your specific test script generation tool.
  6. Continue to create, generate, or acquire test scripts until the desired / required test scripts have been created
  7. Modify the test scripts as necessary (as defined in the test model)

Test / debug test scripts

Upon the completion of creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts, they should be tested / debugged to ensure the test scripts implement the tests appropriately and execute properly. This step should be performed using the same version of the software build used to create / acquire the test scripts.

The following steps are performed to test / debug test scripts:

  1. Set-up the test environment (if necessary)
  2. Re-initialize the environment
  3. Execute the test scripts
  4. Evaluate Results
  5. Determine appropriate next action:
    1. Results as expected / desired: no actions necessary
    2. Unexpected results: determine cause of problem and resolve

Review and Evaluate Test Coverage

Upon the completion of creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts, a test coverage reports should be generated to verify that the test scripts have achieved the desired test coverage.

Identify test-specific functionality in the design and implementation models To top of page

  • To specify the requirements for software functions needed to support the implementation or execution of testing

Identify the test-specific functionality that should be included in the design model and in the implementation model. The most common use of test specific functionality is during integration test where there is the need to provide stubs or drivers for components or systems that are not yet included or implemented.

There are two styles:

  • Stubs and drivers that are simply "dummies" with no functionality other than being able to enter a specific value (or values) or return a pre-defined value (or values).
  • Stubs and drivers that are more intelligent and can "simulate" more complex behavior.

Use the second style prudently because it takes more resources to implement. A balance between value added (by creating a complex stub / driver) and the effort necessary to implement and test the stub / driver is necessary.

Other reasons to build test-specific components are:

  • To automate test procedures for regression test when no test automation tool, or
  • Building an interface between your target for test and a test automation tool.

Describe your result as test-specific requirements on the design and implementation models to be handed to the Designer and the Implementer.

Establish external data sets To top of page

  • To create and maintain data, stored externally to the test scripts, that are used by the test scripts during test execution.

External data sets provide value to test in the following ways:

  • data is external to the test script eliminating hard-coded references in the test script
  • external data can be modified easily with little or no test script impact
  • additional test cases can easily be added to the test data with little or no test script modifications
  • external data can be shared with many test scripts
  • external data sets can contain data values used to control the test scripts (conditional branching logic)

Create / maintain external data sets

To create external data sets, the following steps are performed:

  1. Review the test model, test cases, and structured test procedures
  2. Create the data sets using the appropriate tools and methods
  3. Modify the test scripts to utilize the data sets

Test / debug test scripts

Upon the completion of creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts, they should be tested / debugged to ensure the test scripts implement the tests appropriately and execute properly. This step should be performed using the same version of the software build used to create / acquire the test scripts.

The following steps are performed to test / debug test scripts:

  1. Set-up the test environment (if necessary)
  2. Re-initialize the environment
  3. Execute the test scripts
  4. Evaluate Results
  5. Determine appropriate next action:
    1. Results as expected / desired: no actions necessary
    2. Unexpected results: determine cause of problem and resolve

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